Posted in on January 6, 2014

Mature Marketing Links of the Week – Boomer finances, 40+ Video viewing

To our readers in Latin countries, feliz Dia de los Reyes!

As this is the first Monday round-up of the New Year, we hereby resolve to keep it short and sweet. (While still getting you those mature marketing insights you value.)

Baby Boomer Lee Manchester. Photo credit: Kelvin Ma, Bloomberg

Baby Boomer Lee Manchester. Photo credit: Kelvin Ma, Bloomberg

1. MOST CLICKED: From Bloomberg, a fascinating look at the financial states of an 87-year-old retiree and his 61-year-old daughter.

“Lew is making the most of his old age. Lee is paring back and lightening her load as she looks ahead to her later years. Both worked all their lives, both saved what they could. Yet Lew, a son of the Great Depression and former company man, and Lee, a baby boomer who has pursued careers as an entrepreneur and a mid-level manager, are winding up in two very different economic strata …

While plenty of baby boomers, born from 1946 to 1964, have become affluent and many elderly around the U.S. face financial hardship, the wealth disparity of this father and daughter is emblematic of a broad shift occurring around the country. A rising tide of graying baby boomers is less secure financially and has a lower standard of living than their aged parents.”

As Ken Clemens of Age UK Cheshire tweeted, when it comes to boomer retirement finances, “timing is all!”

Read the post:

2. MOST SHARED: Seems there was a last minute scramble to get on Santa’s good side … Our 8 tips for mature marketing from 8 tiny reindeer was the most-shared content item over the holidays.

Find out if your program would be considered naughty or nice:

3. Also of note: 

* 5 ways to make every call to action (CTA) work harder –

Chart - types of online video viewed by baby boomers, gen x, millennials* When it comes to online videos, GenX and baby boomer viewers have better ad recall. People over 40 also are more likely than Millennials to watch news online … though Millennials watch more of every other type of digital video, as the chart at left shows. –

RELATED POST: Testimonials + Video = Emotional Relevance in Mature Marketing


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