Last week, our Twitter, Google Plus and LinkedIn connections clicked on a wide variety of links. The result? This weekly links round-up is a smorgasbord* of resources for folks marketing to seniors and boomers.
Without further ado, let’s serve up those insights:

Photo source: ReelSEO
1) The next time someone implies that seniors can’t handle technology, tell them about Peter Oakley, often described as “YouTube’s Granddad.” He once had the most popular channel on YouTube! ReelSEO shared his story along with news of his passing at 86. Oakley was quoted as saying “[YouTube] does, I think, reflect the whole of society, so that’s a wonderful thing.”
Read the wonderful tribute on ReelSEO:
2) Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is — we hope — an ongoing effort for anyone marketing to seniors and boomers. But what about social media optimization? Recent Google algorithm changes have increased the value of social shares. James Scherer offers advice for optimizing content for social media in 2014.
Read Scherer’s 5 tips:
3) “If a community works for kids and elderly, it works for EVERYONE.” So notes urban planner Scott Ball in Coming of Age in Aging America, which presents the “big idea in 4 minutes.” This video is definitely worth 4 minutes of your time, and you’ll likely spend many more minutes considering the issues raised.
Watch the video:
4) Creating Results has been nominated as the “best sales & marketing consultants” in the Best of Senior Living Awards from Every vote counts and we’d appreciate yours.
5) A communications/messaging tip from David Meerman Scott that isn’t limited to PR:
“PR tip: Don’t tell journalists what your products do. Tell them how you solve problems for your customers.”
* Smorgasbord — Merriam Webster definition: a meal with many different foods on a large table where people can help themselves. Erin’s definition: a word that makes me smile and think of the Muppets’ Swedish Chef.
Bork-bork-bork! Have a lovely week.