Must not eat jelly beans for breakfast … must not eat jelly beans for breakfast …
1. MOST SHARED: 3 Senior Housing Marketing Strategies That Deliver Results
Last fall at a terrific conference called SMASH, reporter Emily Study and I got to talking about the “micro yes.” As she explains in an article for Senior Housing News:
“In the sales world, it’s called a ‘micro-yes.’ In the senior living world, it’s called guiding a lead.
But the idea is the same: Marketers and senior living providers, alike, must guide customers and prospects along through a series of smaller decision points, or micro-yeses, to get to the ultimate yes, which is the purchase — or the move-in.”
Our conversation continued beyond the conference as Study gathered three examples of “micro yes” techniques that shorten the sales cycle: experiential marketing events, guest-stay programs and “gold card” waitlists.
The article published last week features examples from continuing care retirement communities and active adult developers from New Jersey, Pennsylvania, California and Hawaii and a quote or two from yours truly.
Read the article on micro yesses:
RELATED: Download a white paper on Experiential Marketing, with case studies on small, medium and large events programs:
2. MOST CLICKED: “Aging is not death. Stop conflating the two.”
Amy Gutman addresses the new opportunities afforded us by the longevity bonus — and the old, ageist tropes that undermine them — in an Op Ed for the Washington Post:
“Some months back, I dipped into a small bookshop to pick up a volume on career transitions for people older than 50. I was stunned to find it on a shelf with the heading ‘Aging and Death.’
The memory has stayed with me, a metaphor for our fundamental misapprehension of where aging fits into the human experience. And it’s far from the only example.”
Read Gutman’s piece on ageism no-nos:
I appreciated this reaction to the article from Boomer and radio/broadcast marketing expert Clark Smidt:
(Psst! Add your reactions using the comments tool below and/or on any of our social platforms.)
3. Also of note:
* Age isn’t a disqualifier for entrepreneurs. It’s more like a prerequisite. — Article on entrepreneurship by Michael Hyatt via Gayle Williams
* 11 Ways for Local Business to Get Links, w/ pro tips from Casey Meraz of Moz —
* 9% of 55-64 yr old baby boomers are using shopping apps (vs. 30% of 25-34 yr olds) — GlobalWebIndex
* It seems someone was diving deep into the Creating Results Twitter feed because we ended up with quite a number of clicks on this blog item from April of 2013, “Counting Our Blessings.”
The post was prompted by the Boston Marathon bombings. The sentiment holds true and seems appropriate as we wrap up a holiday weekend and near the two-year anniversary of the tragedy: We count our blessings … including you our readers … daily.