Posted in on October 29, 2012

Mature Marketing Links of the Week – 10/29/12

As Pooh would say, “It’s a rather Blustery Day” for those of us along the East Coast. (My own sentiments lie with Piglet, who observed “I don’t mind the leaves that are leaving. It’s the leaves that are coming.”) Stay warm, stay safe, stay with this post a few moments more and learn what were the top 50+ marketing links last week!

MOST CLICKED: Each month when we give clients a status report on their website we include metrics for conversions. Conversions are completions of a goal; for our clients, they’re typically related to completed forms. Last week, MarketingSherpa reported web conversion rates by industry and it became the most clicked item of the week.

MarketingSherpa chart showing website conversion rates by industry, including financial services, travel, healthcare, technology, and not for profit The new data gives some context to our reporting; it is a stab at answering the question “but how does that number compare to others?”

However, as our wise friend Diane Gorine notes, “Interesting they did not define ‘conversion rate’ for the participants (or collect the definition).  It makes this data challenging to use.”  Indeed, MarketingSherpa’s Daniel Burstein writes:

“A conversion rate can refer to any goal a marketer has, from the sale of a product to a lead form fill, newsletter subscription or free-trial software download.
Perhaps, in the above chart, financial services firms’ main conversion goal is simply an email address for a lead in exchange for a free e-book or print publication, and media websites might only be looking for a free newsletter subscription. Whereas, nonprofits might be focused on a much harder conversion goal to attain — a cash payment in exchange for an idea of doing good, which requires a much higher commitment on the part of the customer and much less obvious concrete value.”

Read the full post: (Just be a little cautious when comparing to your own web conversion rates.)


MOST SHARED: Last week, readers of our Twitter feed, blog and other social channels proved their interests are as varied as baby boomers themselves. Several items were passed along.

* 43% of baby boomers 45-54 have little/ no trust in their retirement security, up from 33% in 2009 – new Pew research on financing retirement

* Headline heralds rise in time spent on mobile, but look at TV! eMarketer

* Great chart! Content marketing tactics used by B2B. Marketing Profs

* As baby boomers move out/downsize, will there be a glut of big homes on market? Wall Street Journal


Back to you, Pooh. (Click image or this link to play video.)

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