Email is still the top preferred digital channel among baby boomers and seniors. This fact was uncovered through Creating Results national Social, Silver Surfers research in 2010 and 2013. Recent MarketingSherpa research noted the same trend when they surveyed people regarding their preferred channels of communication with brands.
According to the article:
While most people preferred email across all age groups, email was the exception when it came to digital media. There was in fact a pretty significant digital divide:
* 27% of 18 to 34 year olds want text messages from companies versus 6% of people 65 and over
* 33% of 18 to 34 year olds want to communicate through social media with companies versus 4% of people 65 and over

Source: MarketingSherpa
When Creating Results surveyed more than 800 boomers and seniors as part of our Social, Silver Surfers research we found similar insights.
* What was their favorite tool for sharing website content? 77% said they email links to friends and family, using the built-in “email-a-friend” tool.
* What is the dominant social platform? When asked to name a social network, 11% of Social, Silver Surfers cited email! For them, email IS social and this preference grows stronger with age.
In the Social, Silver Surfers ebook we even note that if you look at the top websites visited by affluent, 65+ seniors (per Quantcast), several popular websites are actually email-based portals such as For many if not most older adults, email is their gateway to other online destinations, tools and purchases.
What’s Holding Your Email Program Down?
Yet … despite the fact that older adults use email … and older adults want brands to use email to communicate with them … many marketers are not investing in their email program and/or they find maximizing their email efforts challenging.
This spring we plan to launch a series of posts on that focuses on email marketing to baby boomers ands seniors. We’ll share insights, case studies, inspiring examples of effective campaigns. To make sure these tips are most relevant and useful to YOU, please tell us:
If you can’t see the poll above, please click here to take this one-question survey. Then check back in the coming weeks for advice to maximize your efforts via this preferred channel.
Conversations not Campaigns
15 Boomer and Senior Marketing Insights for 2015