Posted in on August 12, 2010

41.6 Percent of Americans Are On Facebook

… and 98% of Americans have at least one television set

Kudos to Roy Wells for tackling the misperception that only teenagers and college students are on Facebook.  His post for this week calculated that 41.6% of all Americans have a Facebook account.  And, as we’ve reported frequently on this blog, ALL Americans on social networks includes quite a few members of Gen X, Baby Boomers and the Silent Generation. 

I most appreciated Wells’ emphasis on – gasp! – understanding your audience and crafting a marketing strategy appropriate to those targets.

If you are a CEO, or someone whose job it is to grow your business, the role that social media will play in your strategy is a function of who comprises your target audience, and where you can find and engage that audience. Clearly, a portion of that audience, regardless of age, are using social media channels.

So, with that in mind Creating Results would like to remind those businesses hoping to drive business with mature Americans – 40 years or older – that TV is a place you can find and engage your audience.

98% of households are TV households, reports Nielsen.  55% of US homes have three or more television sets.  The median age of prime time TV watchers is 51 and seniors (65 or older) watch more minutes of “boob tube” than anyone else.

seniors_watch_TVLearn more about how – when it comes to marketing to Baby Boomers and 65+ (seniors) – social media hasn’t yet killed television by reading Nielsen’s statistics or posts from the Ad Contrarian, Chuck Nyren and this blog.

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