It’s time once again for the top baby boomer and seniors marketing tweets that were most shared or talked about last week.
1. MOST CLICKED: Poor photo choice – unprofessional, young – for a press release about marketing to professional baby boomer women.
Do you agree with our critique of their image? Share your thoughts in the comments below.
Do you worry that your own photography may not be doing the job with baby boomers and seniors? To learn how you can spend less money and see more results with the right photography, download our free eBook – “Photo Finish: Images that Motivate Mature Consumers” – today.

Photo Source: Sirius Bark by Temple3
2. What influences changes in aging brains? 24% of mental #aging due to genes (Wall Street Journal)
3. MOST SHARED: Apparently consumers use QR codes for the same reason kids touch hot stoves: to see what will happen
Related Post: A Q&A about QR Codes and Baby Boomers
And here’s one link that should have captured more clicks:
Five Ways Content Marketing Connects Brands & Customers (@1to1media) As Anna Papachristos writes for 1to1Media:
“Joe Chernov, vice president of content marketing at Eloqua, defines content marketing as ‘the art of creating, distributing, and measuring share-worthy content that grows and engages an organization’s audience, while deepening affinity for the brand.’ But as this ‘share-worthy content’ expands in terms of form and delivery, content marketers need to blend old and new tactics to keep their content effective and engaging.”
Some of Papachristos’ five ways may be new to you; others, helpful reminders.
- Encourage Sharing – with short-form content that engages targets in conversation
- Solve Problems – with content that is informative, not self-promotional
- Re-Use and Re-Purpose – to extend the reach of each piece
- Observe and Report – “Content marketing isn’t about simply dumping a glut of articles or videos online; it’s about strategically presenting customers with particularly
applicable information at crucial points in the buying cycle.” - Serve It Up Social – leverage social networks to extend the reach of your content … and your brand
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