In this post, we wrap up our series of 15 actionable ideas to improve your results with baby boomers and seniors in 2015 with quotes from thought-leaders who inspired us this year.
As our Creating Results team is always on the look out for new mature marketing insights, innovations and best practices, we hope you’ll consider the thoughts below and then share your own BIG ideas in the comments section.
11. Partnerships
Larry Guengerich of Landis Communities recommends:
- Be intentional – look for partners that can help the organization answer “WHERE ARE WE HEADED.”
- Make creating partnerships a strategic goal. That gives your team the “right and the duty” to explore and form them.
- Meet with LOTS of groups/people, but set some parameters. You never know how or when the planting of a partnership seed will grow into a value tree.
RELATED: Our own Beth Spohn looked at how partnerships are evidence of Landis’ consumer-centric culture in this article for the Journal on Active Aging.
12. SEO/SEM – and why it’s important
Keyword planning isn’t just good for Google, it’s good for web visitors who benefit from your focus on points relevant to them.
Keyword research is “data-driven empathy.” – Andy Crestodina

Andy Crestodina – SMASH Senior Care Marketing Summit, 2014
13. Solve, don’t sell (specifically when talking to adult child influencers)
“The best content tells a bigger story, as relates to actual people—rather than, say, myopically focusing on a company’s own products or services. Paradoxically, your “story” is not about you—it’s about what you do for others.
That’s a subtle shift, but an important one, because it installs your customer at the very heart of your marketing. It’s customer-centric versus corporate-centric.” – Ann Handley,
14. Technology (getting up to speed with Boomers& Seniors)
“It doesn’t matter what we do, we ask ourselves how can technology help us do this more efficiently and effectively.” Jennene Buckley,Feros Care (Australia)
“This notion that older adults don’t love technology? That’s not on older adults — that’s bad technology,” says Joseph Coughlin, director of MIT’s AgeLab, in May at Washington Post Live’s Booming Tech conference in Boston
Action Step: Improve your 2015 digital marketing results by better understanding what Baby Boomers and seniors want (and do not want) from websites and social media. Buy the “Social, Silver Surfers” ebook today!
15. Listening & Understanding
Jonathan Ruchman, Brookdale Senior Living: “Feedback is a gift and every day is Christmas.”
We’d love to receive the gift of feedback from YOU, our readers! To help everyone achieve their goals in 2015, please share your thoughts below.
(Did you miss our previous posts? Click here for numbers 1 through 5 … and here for recommendations 6 through 10.)