Posted in on May 24, 2010

TV and Advertising to Baby Boomers, Beyond

As advertisers fall over themselves to figure out social media marketing, one medium (television) continues to deliver large numbers of attractive consumers with money and time to spend (Baby Boomers and beyond).  TV looks like a safe bet with great reach, AdAge noted this week

“Reaching a broad audience is still important for advertisers of a wide variety of products, including cars, electronics, household products, restaurants and others,” said Jeff McCall, a professor of media studies at DePauw University. “The need for these products reaches across wide demos and broadcast television still brings those. And the older demos likely have a few more bucks to actually spend.”

Facts about Baby Boomers, Seniors and TV

* The  median age of prime-time television viewers is now 51. 

* Nielsen’s “Three-Screen” report for the fourth quarter of 2009 found that 35-49 year olds watch 35:40 minutes a week of traditional TV.  50-64 year olds (Baby Boomers) watch 42:38 minutes, and “seniors” age 65 or better watch 47:21 minutes.

* The average viewer watches 2,223 minutes of video in a week, and all but 1% of their video viewing is on a traditional television.  (AdContrarian) As the Ad Contrarian puts it, “TV viewership is at its highest point ever and continues to grow.”

* Most viewers don’t leave the room or change channels during commercial breaks.  (Council for Research Excellence)  No reports on how many mute because of the ridiculously loud volume of TV ads …

* A mere 5-6% of ads are being skipped on DVRs.  (DVR Research Institute)

* The median age of nightly TV news viewers across the “big three” (ABC, CBS, NBC) was 62.3 years in 2009.  The median age of morning news viewers rose to 55.2 last year.  (State of the Media)

Is advertising on broadcast TV part of your marketing mix?  Why/why not?


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