As the year — and decade for that matter — comes to a close, we’re taking a look back at our blog’s most popular content from the last 12 months. We covered many of the industry’s hot topics, rising trends and best practices. From journey mapping and social media to sales and finances, here are the insights that most engaged our readers in 2019.
1. Overcoming Senior Living Sales Objections
The independent living sales journey can take anywhere from 18-36 months. That’s just enough time for sales team members to encounter their fair share of objections from prospects as to why a move to independent living isn’t right for them.
Find out the top five objections faced by senior living sales team members and ways to overcome those objections so that you can turn prospects into residents.
2. Renting Habits of Baby Boomers
The target market for age-restricted and senior living is at an all-time high. As of 2018, the population of Americans ages 65 and older is 52 million. But that doesn’t mean demand will correlate. Baby Boomers are on the move, but with so many options for downsizing (and in some cases, upsizing) entering the market, traditional 55+ and senior living — especially buy-in communities — could be losing favor with Baby Boomers.
In this next piece of popular content from 2019, get our four key takeaways and insights from RentCafe’s article outlining the most prevalent Baby Boomer renting trends.
3. What’s the Current State of Baby Boomer Finances?
Baby Boomers control a whopping 70% of the US’ disposable income, potentially making them the country’s most lucrative demographic. But even with all this disposable income, long-term savings are still a concern for Boomers. In fact, many members of this cohort face uncertainty when it comes to rising health care costs and building an adequate nest egg for retirement.
Discover how Baby Boomers are spending their wealth and the opportunities for marketers in the senior living industry to cater to this demographic’s wants and needs.
4. The Importance of Journey Mapping Is Among Most Popular Content for 2019
For decades, salespeople have used the classic sales funnel to curate the prospect’s sales journey. But has the more modern “journey mapping” approach made the sales funnel outdated? At Creating Results, we’ve introduced the customer-centric journey mapping approach to our 55+ and senior living clients and recommend industry marketers and salespeople explore the ways it can help them attract and nurture prospects.
Learn best practices for journey mapping and how it can help you create the best buying experience for your customers in this popular content piece.
Don’t forget to check out our video below offering a brief introduction into the art of journey mapping.
5. Seducing Seniors with Social Media
Social media has become as much a part of the daily lives of Baby Boomers as it has for the younger generations. For marketers in the senior living industry, sites like Facebook offer another avenue through which you can communicate with prospects and provide them with content that is of value to them.
Get tips for creating a social media strategy that will give you a leg up on your competitors who have yet to fully embrace the medium’s potential.