Happy Monday! It is that time again. Here is the roundup of the most engaging posts from the previous week.
MOST CLICKED: Demographic Projections and the Implications that Affects our Economy
Jo Ann Jenkins, CEO of AARP, wrote an thoughtful article on our extended lifespans and the implications our longevity will have on our economic and social structure.
Ms. Jenkins, in a post published on LinkedIn, notes that since longer lives create multiple questions, like paying for pensions and medical care, a change in our views on aging is needed. As a society, Jenkins feels we need to focus on the benefits of an extended life starting now.
Here are a few more intriguing facts from the article to ponder:
- Baby boomers or the 65 plus generation, will nearly double throughout the world in the upcoming years and continue to increase
- “More than half of children born today in wealthy countries such as the U.S., U.K., Japan, Germany and France will live past the age of 100,” writes Ms. Jenkins
- 65 and older employees outnumber teenagers in the workplace, while those 50 and over make up 25 percent and will continue to grow
- The Longevity Economy—that is people 50 and older— accounts for more than 89.4 million jobs
How does this affect marketing efforts?
Companies should change their view of who could buy their product/service — an extended lifespan may mean an expanded consumer base. Next, we must work harder to understand our customer’s needs and dreams, and align our marketing messages with their values.
Finally, if you hear “65+” and think “retiree with time to burn,” Ms. Jenkins is making it clear that won’t be the case. How does your organization support their desires or efforts to do more, for longer?
Read the full article here: http://bit.ly/2l04Z2Z.
Most Shared: Senior Marketing Leaders and Digital Challenges in 2017
Patty Cisco of Marketing Essentials published this post which speaks to the challenges we will most likely face in 2017 with our digital campaigns. Here are seven tips drawn from her piece:
- It’s all about a user-friendly experience
- Use your performance tools to make decisions
- Get stratetic with your digital marketing program and then strategize some more
- Content is King. Speaking of which, you can see our Direct of Marketing Strategies’ thoughts on content marketing here.
- Keep up with the times or at the very least stay informed of new methodology and technology as it applies to your customers
- Focus on your website
- Partner with experts

Relevant content uses the “real” language your targets use, shares Amanda Combs, Director of Marketing Strategies.
To read more on these seven digital marketing challenges, click here: http://bit.ly/2m4hxaC.