Senior living reopening is happening at communities across the country, but it’s not without its challenges. How can senior living providers reopen their communities so that residents can be reunited with their families while also mitigating the risk of a covid-19 outbreak?
This month, we’re looking at senior living reopening guidelines and questions that linger as communities look to open back up.
1. Senior Living Reopening Presents Tough Choices for Providers
The path to senior living reopening presents a balancing act for providers. One in which they must consider the risks involved with opening their communities — even on a limited basis — as well as the impact that continued isolation will have on residents.
This article from Senior Housing News highlights the multi-phased approach senior living communities are taking to reopen their communities while mitigating the risk of a covid-19 outbreak.

2. There’s No Easy Answer for Senior Living Reopening
One thing that would instill more confidence in providers as they move forward with senior living reopening plans is widespread and consistent testing for communities. This will be difficult without the help of policymakers. And with so many other variables to monitor, providers’ best bet is to watch the situation closely and adapt as needed to ensure their residents’ health and safety.
Learn more about the pressing questions providers face in this McKnight’s Senior Living article.
3. Senior Living Reopening Guidelines for Assisted Living
Twenty states have developed senior living reopening guidelines for assisted living. Among these guidelines are provisions for outdoor-only visits, visitor and resident health screenings and requirements for cleanliness and personal protective equipment used at communities.
LeadingAge has reviewed and provided a comprehensive list of all the guidelines states have issued to assisted living communities as they look to restore some sense of normalcy for residents and their families.
4. New Outbreaks Guaranteed as Communities Reopen
The debate surrounding the best way to reopen communities in Virginia is one that is likely taking place in other states as well. Families want to visit their loved ones at communities and providers want to be able to make that happen. But senior living reopening presents the inevitability that new covid-19 cases will emerge.
This Washington Post article details the challenges communities in Virginia faced in the first three months of the covid-19 outbreak and why there is still reluctance from providers to move forward with opening.

5. Second Wave? Some Providers Are Still Dealing with the First
It’s hard for many providers to think about reopening their communities because they are still struggling with the effects of the first wave and feel the national response has been subpar.
Skilled Nursing News covers the challenges two communities faced while trying to mitigate the spread of covid-19 among residents and staff and why support in testing is needed from the national level if communities are to reopen safely.