What’s to come in the senior living industry as we enter the last quarter of 2020? With Covid-19 still being an ever-present part of our daily lives, the latest senior living updates take a look at the current state of the industry and what’s to come in the near future.
This month, we’re rounding up and discussing these senior living updates and what they mean for marketers and consumers.
1. Senior Living Updates: 5 Biggest Industry Concerns
For the time being, we’re going to have to continue living in a world with Covid-19. After initially being one of the industries hardest hit by the global pandemic, senior living communities have adapted and now see themselves being able to better manage the obstacles presented by Covid-19. But that doesn’t mean that new challenges won’t arise.
Learn more about the 5 biggest concerns for senior living this fall in this Senior Housing News article.
2. Providing Senior Living Updates to Families During a Crisis
As senior living communities continue to react to the fallout of the Covid-19 pandemic, there are several questions that have currently been left unanswered. For example, what can senior living and care providers do to restore confidence their crisis communication efforts?
Tim O’Brien, a senior level corporate communications counselor and founder of O’Brien Communications, believes that senior living communities should be taking the lead in communicating with residents and their families when situations, such as a pandemic, arise. He explains why in his guest post for McKnight’s Senior Living
3. How the Pandemic Has Affected Different Generations
While we’ve all been impacted by Covid-19, there are different effects and opinions among the generations. For example, findings show that Baby Boomers reported the least amount of financial hardship from the pandemic, and as a result, have been busy hitting the virtual check-out line at increased rates.
This article from HomeCare gives an in-depth look at how the different generations, including the Boomers, have been fairing during the pandemic.

4. Stats Show Covid-19 Has Increased Feelings of Loneliness
Statistics show that seniors are less worried about catching Covid-19 and more concerned about the effects that pandemic is having on their mental health. Surveys show that 36% of adults ages 75 and up are feeling lonelier than ever and even more people have lost trust in nursing homes’ abilities to keep residents safe during this time.
Read more about the effects Covid-19 has had on seniors in this Value Penguin article.
5. Marketing Strategies That Resonate With Baby Boomers
There’s no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to marketing. Some demographics will respond well to copy and creative that doesn’t resonate at all with another demographic. It’s part of what makes marketing such an inexact science.
What are some of the marketing strategies and tactics you should be using to attract Baby Boomer prospects to your senior living or active adult community? You’ll find 10 insights in this Business 2 Community article.
Are there senior living updates that weren’t covered in this post? Tweet @CreatingResults and let us know about it!