Every Monday, we review our most engaging and shared articles from the previous week. For this week’s most engaging, we explore why Boomer parents feel the need to pass on their cherished items and why their grown children don’t want them. The most shared article is by columnist Kyle Ranally, who addresses some reasons why we must embrace Boomers and their impact on market growth.
Most Clicked: Grown Children Don’t Want All The Stuff From Their Boomer Parents
As I write this blog post, I am sitting in my dining room looking at a hutch filled with a vintage china setting for twelve that my husband’s mom passed down to us. I have yet to use the cream and gold set for any Holiday gatherings, but here it sits collecting dust in the over sized 1960’s hutch that reminds me of my own grandparent’s dining room.
While typically passed down through the family, some cherished items are no longer wanted and cared for by younger generations. Writer Samantha Bronkar states, “In fact, they recoil in something close to horror at the thought of trying to find room for the collections of Hummels; the Thomas Kinkade paintings; the complete sets of fine china and crystal, carefully preserved and brought out at holiday meals.”

A fraction of the “to be considered” section of Erin’s mom’s basement, with items mom has been considering what to do with for more than three years. These include new-in-box wooden shelves, the Civil Defense helmet Erin’s Nana was issued in the mid-50s, broken furniture, books, mugs, framed family photos (to pass along to “cousins”!), and one very scary doll …
What has changed from previous generations? For me and most younger generations, its been space and lifestyle. We focus on trips and experiential moments versus crystal, paintings on our walls and classic furniture. We mostly live in furnished apartments or smaller homes that focus on minimalism.
However, most of these younger generations will experience the downsize affect from or with their parents and grandparents. As Boomers are beginning to move into retirement apartments and homes, the need to downsize and limit their personal treasures can be overwhelming.
As the writer states:
“For their parents, to have a lifetime of carefully chosen treasures dismissed as garage-sale fodder can be downright painful.”
Carolyn Ledewitz of Cambridge, Mass. has found a sense of freedom through her lifestyle and inability to hand her treasures down to younger family members.
“Over the years, when you can’t hand it down, you have to let it go.”
According to the article, Mrs. Ledewitz is now living her urban dream in Boston’s Seaport district.
To read the full article, click here: http://bit.ly/2wIN1Z2
Most Shared: Why Marketers Must Embrace The Boomaissance
According to Columnist Kyle Ranally,
“Over the past several years, our industry has developed an obsession with Millennials, often causing us to overlook older generations.”
The industry Kyle is referring to is marketing and, he notes we are only beginning to acknowledge the Boomer generation and the growth this generation can bring to various industries including: music, fashion, and technology.
According to Google, there were 3.5 more articles that mention the Millennial generation than the Boomer generation this past year. However, Boomers are the source of growth in technology: increasing their usage whereas Millennials have plateaued.
Boomers have also increased use of mobile apps, online shopping, and social media, in some cases outspending or over taking Millennial’s tech habits. One-third of Boomers shop weekly online while their average time spent on mobile apps has increased by 37%. In contrast, Millennials average time spent on mobile apps has increased only 3% according to comScore data.
In July of 2015, 51% of Boomers used social media and by November 2016 Boomer’s usage increased to 64%. Social media also has seen a greater influence of positive reinforcement through the Boomer generation, which is different than other generations tech usage. According to the article, evidence has found the happiness U-curve doesn’t peak in your 20’s or 30’s, but when we hit our 60’s and greater.
However, in our Social Silver Surfer’s ebook, we find the Boomer generation is looking at social media to gain useful knowledge or connections versus entertainment. Ways to make their life easier and connect with important people in their lives.
At Creating Results, we propose Facebook campaigns focusing on the boomer generation and targeting interests that relate to our clients, especially for lead generation events. Through this approach we have seen higher engagement in their profiles as well as websites and an increase to RSVPs.
50+ Marketing Tip: As part of your integrated marketing plan, develop social media campaigns focusing on the Boomer generation and your specialties.
Bonus Insight: Facebook campaigns seem to have the most success for gaining Baby Boomer’s attention when running alongside search campaigns.
To read the full article, click here: http://bit.ly/2vx1FnQ
Without being too awkward of a transition, I also want express my condolences and well wishes, on behalf of all of us at Creating Results, to those involved, injured, or affected by Saturday’s events in Charlottesville.
“I have decided to stick with love, hate is too great a burden to bear.” – Martin Luther King, Jr.