1. Innovative Uses for Technology When Marketing During Covid-19
The Covid-19 pandemic has made it so that senior living communities have had to adapt in their own unique ways. For some, this adaptation has included using technology in out-of-the-box ways to reach prospects virtually when marketing during covid-19. For others, it means shifting messaging to emphasize how safe and secure residents are in communities, despite the negative press senior living received at the beginning of the pandemic.
Learn how four senior living providers have adapted their marketing in the Covid-19 era. Read more on Senior Housing News.
2. Marketing During Covid-19 Offers Opportunities to Tell New Stories
The current business landscape has offered opportunities to reshape the story sales and marketing professionals tell about senior living. This is according to Jaquelyn Kung, DrPH, CEO of Activated Insights. Reshaping the stories starts with having happier employees, which leads to happier residents and a more appealing community for prospects.
Get key takeaways from the insights Dr. Kung shared while leading a virtual panel at SMASH Week 2020. Read more on McKnight’s Senior Living.
3. Lessons Senior Living Communities Are Learning From the Pandemic
Despite the nature of the pandemic, there have been some positive aspects for assisted living. For one, modernization — touchless technology, updated HVAC units, etc. — have become a priority. Conversely, it’s slowed down the ability for new assisted living projects to break ground.
What are the other marketing and operations lessons the pandemic has taught providers? Find out in this Provider Magazine article.

4. What the Future of Touring Looks Like for Senior Living
This year will be remembered as the year of the virtual tour in senior living. Recent months have allowed for in-person tours to resume, but they’re conducted much differently than they have been in the past. It’s just one of the ways communities have adapted when marketing during Covid-19.
This Daily Herald article highlights what the senior living community touring process looks like and the precautions communities have taken in response to the pandemic.
5. Covid-19’s Impact on Community Life
Among the biggest concerns for residents at senior living communities are the abilities to keep active and socialize, as well as have their friends and family members over to visit. Fortunately for The Spires at Berry College, a senior living community uniquely situated on a college campus, there’s a plan in place to keep residents engaged in daily life while maintaining social distancing.
Find out how they’re making it possible in this McKnight’s Senior Living article.