Posted in on June 26, 2024

Senior Living Sales Do’s and Don’ts in 2024

In senior living sales, you have the unique opportunity to make a significant impact on the lives of seniors and their families. To succeed, it’s crucial to understand the best practices and common pitfalls. Here’s a comprehensive guide on the do’s and don’ts of senior living sales to help you optimize your efforts.


1. DO build genuine relationships

In senior living sales, building trust is paramount. Especially for assisted living and skilled nursing, families are entrusting you with the care of their loved ones, so it’s essential to establish a genuine connection. Show empathy, listen actively and understand their needs and concerns. Building a relationship based on trust and understanding will not only make your job easier but also help you stand out in a competitive market.

2. DO focus on personalization

Every senior and their family have unique needs and preferences. Tailor your approach to each prospect by asking questions to understand their specific situation, important concerns and biggest goals. Highlight the aspects of your community that address their concerns and improve the prospective resident’s day-to-day life. Personalization shows that you care and are attentive to their needs, which can be a deciding factor for many families. Learn more about why discovery is important.

Remember that for independent living, your ideal resident doesn’t need to move — instead they must be so enticed by the lifestyle that they want to move.

3. DO provide comprehensive information

Transparency is key in senior living sales. Provide clear, comprehensive information about your community, including costs, amenities, services and care options. Address any questions or concerns your prospects have. Being upfront and honest will build trust and help them make informed decisions.


4. DO follow up consistently

Following up is crucial in senior living sales. After the initial contact, stay in touch with potential residents and their families. Send them additional information, invite them to events and check in periodically. Consistent follow-ups demonstrate your dedication and commitment to helping them find the right fit. However, don’t just follow up for the sake of checking it off your list —have a pre-call plan or follow-up strategy before you dial the number or send the email. This plan should outline your minimum and maximum goals for the prospect’s next step.

Especially for independent living, leads might be anonymous and require consistent and creative follow-up to “pop.” Ignoring digital leads is a common sales mistake. For more need-based sales, leads may go dark once an initial crisis has resolved. Keep yourself and your solution top of mind and remind them how your community not only provides care after a health event, but also offers socialization and other benefits that can’t be replicated at home or in another community.

5. DO highlight success stories

Sharing success stories and testimonials from current residents and their families can be a powerful tool. These stories provide social proof and can help prospects visualize themselves or their loved ones living happily in your community. Get permission to share these stories and use them in your marketing materials and during sales presentations.


1. DON’T use high-pressure tactics

High-pressure sales tactics can be a major turn-off for prospects and families considering senior living options. Moving is a significant decision, often made during a stressful time for higher levels of care. Instead of pushing for a quick decision, offer support and guidance. Provide the information they need to make a comfortable, informed choice while focusing on identifying and gaining commitment around the next logical step in the journey.

To be clear, creating scarcity and urgency is helpful — especially when your prospect is close to making the decision. But abusing it can have the opposite effect and may turn prospects off when they feel like it’s a manipulation. Provide information about genuine offers and limited availability. If you know you’ll be offering a similar incentive next month, don’t make this month’s incentive sound like it’s the deal of a lifetime. You’ll only undermine any trust you’ve built when prospects realize it wasn’t accurate.

2. DON’T overpromise and underdeliver

It’s essential to set realistic expectations. Overpromising and underdelivering can lead to dissatisfaction and damage your community’s reputation. Be honest about what your community can offer and avoid exaggerating the benefits. Transparency will help you build long-term trust with residents and their families.

3. DON’T neglect the competition

Understanding your competition is crucial in senior living sales. Don’t ignore what other communities are offering. Conduct regular market research to stay informed about their services, pricing and amenities. Knowing your competition enables you to highlight what sets your community apart and address any potential concerns prospects might have.

4. DON’T ignore red flags

During the sales process, you might notice red flags that indicate a particular community might not be the best fit for a prospective resident. Ignoring these signs can lead to dissatisfaction and potentially harm your reputation. Always prioritize the well-being of the senior and your brand’s reputation and recommend alternatives if your community isn’t the right match.

While it’s difficult to lose a sale, keep in mind that future sales might become more difficult if you have unhappy residents, negative reviews or worse.

5. DON’T forget the family members

Family members play a crucial role in the decision-making process for senior living. While the prospective resident should be your top priority, the family is important, too. Engage with family members, address their concerns and provide them with the information they need. Their support and confidence in your community are vital for a successful sale. And later, they can become potential referral sources or references for your community.

Setting yourself up for sales success

In senior living sales, the key to success lies in building trust, personalizing your approach and maintaining transparency. By following these do’s and don’ts, you can improve your sales strategy and help prospective residents and families find the best possible fit. Remember, your role isn’t just to sell but to support and guide families through a significant life transition.

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