Very few events have impacted society the way COVID-19 has in such a short amount of time. This virus has posed challenges to people and businesses alike.
The increase risk the coronavirus poses to older adults has had an unique impact on the senior living industry. Here you’ll find COVID-19 resources that will help your senior living community navigate the obstacles ahead.
1. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Offer Countless COVID-19 Resources
The Center for Disease Control (CDC) is the most reliable COVID-19 resource you can reference to ensure the health of your residents, team members and business during this time. We recommend you check the website regularly to find the most up-to-date news and health and safety guidelines for mitigating the spread of COVID-19.
Given the risk that this particular coronavirus poses to older adults, the CDC has provided guidance for COVID-19 preparedness, as well as how to prevent it from spreading in your community:
- Preparing for COVID-19: Long-term Care Facilities, Nursing Homes
- Preventing the Spread of COVID-19 in Retirement Communities and Independent Living Facilities
These two articles offer comprehensive direction for managing daily life at senior living communities for as long as COVID-19 is a global concern and provide several links with even more information. As concerns about COVID-19 arise, the CDC is the first place you’ll want to go as you plan your community’s next steps.

2. Free Webinar: Marketing and Communicating in the Shadow of COVID-19
On Tuesday, March 24, our team partnered with AKCG — Public Relations Counselors to present best practices for senior living organizations as they look to adapt their product and services offerings and prepare for ongoing communications with the people they serve.
During the webinar, our teams shared insights on crisis response, preparing for reputational risks, adapting messaging and advertising strategy to better connect with prospects as we all practice social distancing and making adjustments to service line allocations to meet business needs.
Visit the recap blog for a free recording of the webinar, as well a SlideShare of the presentation.
If you were unable to attend the webinar, or would like to re-visit the insights provided, this COVID-19 resource will provide a strong foundation for your community to adapt to current events.
3. Apps and Other COVID-19 Resources for Seniors
COVID-19 has put a strain on in-person interactions for the foreseeable future. Visitor access has been restricted at countless senior living facilities, and some states have issued stay at home proclamations to slow the spread of the virus.
The following resources offer more information about the type of services and technology that are available to help lessen the impact of social distancing on your residents’ daily lives:
- Families Keeping in Touch with FaceTime and Similar Apps
- Maintaining a Sense of Normal During Social Distancing
- 6 Tips for Helping Seniors With Social Distancing
In addition to the resources above, should your residents express further interest in apps and other technology that will make staying at home and social distancing easier, Vox has compiled a list of COVID-19 resources and tech for seniors.
4. COVID-19 Resources to Ensure the Health of Your Organization
When it comes to managing the day-to-day functions of your community, these COVID-19 resources can help you manage the operational aspects of your senior living organization:
- 5 Ways to Reshape Your Business and Plan for Recovery
- Steps to Prepare for Remote Work
- Additional Marketing Impact and Insights
In addition to having resources to refer to, it also helps to have a partner to you can rely on to help your community navigate the challenges brought forth by COVID-19.
We’re working closely with our clients to guide them through these unforeseen circumstances and can do the same for you. Please reach out to us if you’re looking for insights on how best to meet the needs of your residents and prospects while continuing to meet your senior living organization’s business needs.
Call 703-494-7888 or email to connect with our team.
Need Help?
Visit to schedule a free strategy session or marketing review for advice on how to pivot your marketing to adjust for COVID-19. To get the latest news, resources and webinar invitations, sign up for email below!