In this post, we’ll revisit the most popular content we produced this year as dictated by you, the reader!
1. Global Brands Marketing to Baby Boomers Provide Most Popular Content of 2020
An oldie but a goodie. How 4 Large Brands Are Marketing to Baby Boomers shines that light on big brands that are winning big with Baby Boomers. The article analyzes the tactics T-Mobile, Toyota, John Lewis and Geico have in place to appeal to older consumers. You’ll also get insights on how you can adapt these tactics for your own business.
In case you missed it, a part two of this post was released earlier this year! Check out Four More Brands Baby Boomers Love for insights on how Costco, Dos Equis, Amazon and Cheerios have adapted their marketing to appeal to older consumers.

2. Budgeting Season Becomes a Little Easier
Earlier in the year, we asked ourselves, “How can we take some of the stress out of budgeting season for senior living professionals?” This blog post offering three tips for planning your senior living sales and marketing budget was the answer to that question. But we quickly realized it wouldn’t be enough.
The natural next step for us was to develop the Senior Living Marketing Budget Calculator. The calculator was developed using benchmarks and data from more than 25 years of senior living experience. It was built to provide you the opportunity to input your community’s sales and marketing goals and receive an instant estimate of the budget needed to achieve them.
To add to that, we also created A Guide to Achieving Your 2021 Marketing Goals for you to download and get additional insights on planning your budget. It’s no wonder this post was among the most popular content for 2020!
You can go directly to the Senior Living Marketing Budget Calculator, or start with the Three Tips for Senior Living Sales and Marketing Budget Season blog post.

3. Revisiting the Importance of Diversity in Advertising
After Covid-19, racial inequality is arguably the issue at the forefront of the American conscious. Several events in the past year have been the catalyst in helping many people rethink the state of race relations in this country.
With these issues being so prevalent, it seemed an appropriate time to evaluate the role diversity plays in advertising. What we found in this most popular content piece was that we still have a long way to go as professionals when it comes to being inclusive of people from all walks of life.
4. Covid-19 Resources Among Most Popular Content as Pandemic Takes Center Stage
None of us were prepared to deal with the effects of a global pandemic. Senior living communities were hit especially hard in the early days.
As our clients sought our guidance for navigating the pandemic from a sales and marketing perspective, we began compiling resources we knew would be beneficial to not only our clients, but our readers as well. From resources to guide your sales and marketing to ones that ensure a stable business infrastructure, the links provided are as helpful today as they were at the start of the pandemic.
Read Covid-19 Resources for Senior Living blog post for more.
5. Find Out What Older Adults Are Doing Online
The most important part of attracting seniors online is knowing which platforms they’re using and what they’re doing on those platforms. Never fear. We’ve done this research for you!
Our What Are Older Adults Doing Online? infographic was a favorite for our readers this year, just as it was last year. Get the facts and figures of what your prospects are searching for, reading and watching online and tips for leveraging these insights.
As you plan your digital marketing strategy for the new year, now’s the perfect time revisit this blog post with the full infographic and some additional color commentary.
What are some of the topics you would like to see covered on our blog in 2021? Tweet at Creating Results on Twitter to let us know!