by CR Team | Jul 6, 2015 | Internet, Marketing
This weekend saw many reasons for celebration, including the fantastic Fourth of July. We’re breaking with our usual “most clicked” mature marketing links approach to bring you a handful of links that I “most liked.” If you can figure out...
by Mike Stakem | Jun 30, 2015 | 50+, 60+, Boomers, Internet, Marketing, Travel
How Road Scholar Effectively Targets Older Travelers Creating Results’ Twitter feed recently shared an article about Road Scholar (formerly Elderhostel) and we were surprised by the flurry of new interest it sparked in this ‘grandaddy’ of...
by CR Team | Jun 29, 2015 | 40+, 50+, 60+, Boomers, Internet, Marketing, Mature Consumers, Social Networking
Happy short work week…I mean Monday. Before the barbeques and fireworks that will take place this weekend as we celebrate our Independence, we want to first take a look back on the most notable mature marketing stories that had people talking and sharing. We...
by CR Team | Jun 23, 2015 | Healthcare - CCRCs, Marketing, Mature Consumers, Workforce
Last week we had the privilege to speak at LeadingAge Pennsylvania’s annual conference on “The End of Advertising. The Advent of Engagement.” There was a lot of enthusiasm for Creating Results’ definition of engagement: “the act of turning people on to your brand in a...
by CR Team | Jun 19, 2015 | 50+, Healthcare - CCRCs, Marketing, Mature Consumers
Today the Creating Results team is wrapping up its time in Hershey, Pennsylvania, after a wonderful week at the annual LeadingAge PA conference. Things I love about this meeting: the speakers, the inspiring conversations in the hallways, the chance to exchange ideas...
by CR Team | Jun 8, 2015 | 50+, Internet, Marketing, Mature Consumers
This week’s round-up of the top Mature Marketing links of the week illustrates the strength of (aging) tribes and the opportunities provided by originality. On with the links! 1. MOST CLICKED: Regardless of what age you’re marketing too, if you’re...
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