by CR Team | Jul 21, 2014 | 50+, Marketing, Mature Consumers, Retirement, Silent Generation
On this date in 1930, President Herbert Hoover established the Veterans Administration. There are an estimated 21,972,964 living US Veterans, and it’s a decidedly gray group — 72% are over the age of 50. As we wrote on this blog back in 2009, senior...
by CR Team | Jul 14, 2014 | 50+, Marketing, Mature Consumers
Words! Words! Words! I’m so sick of words! I get words all day through; First from him, now from you! Is that all you blighters can do? My teenage daughter and I watched the wonderful musical My Fair Lady this weekend. The Lerner & Loewe song “Show...
by CR Team | Jul 9, 2014 | 60+, Boomers, Marketing, Mature Consumers, Silent Generation
* A new ecommerce site debates, do we create a category for 40+ products or for aging needs or for more complicated prescriptions? * A senior living community wants to ban the word senior from brochures. * A 55+ housing builder wants to strike the word retirement from...
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