by CR Team | Feb 27, 2017 | 40+, 50+, 60+, Marketing, Real Estate Marketing, Seniors
I became obsessed with movie award season this year, obsessed with a capital “O.” I watched it all – the Globes, SAG awards and, of course, the big show of the Oscars. I loved hearing the speeches from the winners (and seeing the faces of those who...
by Kristen Oliphant | Feb 20, 2017 | 50+, 60+, Boomers, Marketing, Mature Consumers, Workforce
Happy Monday! It is that time again. Here is the roundup of the most engaging posts from the previous week. MOST CLICKED: Demographic Projections and the Implications that Affects our Economy Jo Ann Jenkins, CEO of AARP, wrote an thoughtful article on our extended...
by CR Team | Feb 15, 2017 | Email marketing, Healthcare - CCRCs, Housing, Marketing, Real Estate Marketing
When the late, great Johnny Carson was the host of The Tonight Show, a recurring character was Carnac the Magnificent. The seemingly psychic Carnac would “divine” the answers to questions in “hermetically sealed” envelopes. Wordplay and...
by CR Team | Feb 13, 2017 | 60+, Boomers, Healthcare - CCRCs, Housing, Marketing, Retirement, Seniors
It’s that time again! Every Monday we recap the most engaging information from the previous week. First up, this week’s most shared piece of content is about senior trends in 2017, as told by industry experts. In an article on, industry...
by CR Team | Feb 6, 2017 | 60+, Boomers, Gen X, Healthcare - CCRCs, Retirement
Ah, Monday. Here you are again. While many dread Mondays, the Creating Results team has an appreciation for them. Why? They’re the days that we round-up the top 50+ marketing tweets/posts/links of the previous week. It’s fun trying to connect the dots...
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