by CR Team | Jan 20, 2011 | 50+, 60+, Boomers, Marketing, Mature Consumers, Seniors, Silent Generation
When I was growing up, there was old (anyone over 30), there was really old (my Nana – then in her mid 60s) and there was George Burns. Born this day in 1896, Burns graced the silver screen and did nothing less than give God a new image. He also stood out in my mind...
by CR Team | Dec 20, 2010 | Boomers, Gen X, Generation Jones (trailing edge Boomers), Internet, Marketing, Millennials/Gen Y, Seniors, Silent Generation, Social Networking
The Pew Internet & American Life Project released its second ‘Generations” reportlast week, with data about what various cohorts – from Gen Y/Millennials to Baby Boomers to the Greatest Generation – are doing on the Internet. Turns out,...
by CR Team | Sep 1, 2010 | Boomers, Gen X, Marketing, Millennials/Gen Y, Seniors, Silent Generation
While Creating Results spends its time focusing on Baby Boomers and beyond, marketer Carol Phillips focuses on Millennials. After two “what’s the matter with kids these days” articles in high-profile publications, she mused about a Generational...
by CR Team | Aug 12, 2010 | 40+, Boomers, Internet, Marketing, Mature Consumers, Seniors, Silent Generation, Social Networking
… and 98% of Americans have at least one television set Kudos to Roy Wells for tackling the misperception that only teenagers and college students are on Facebook. His post for this week calculated that 41.6% of all Americans have a...
by CR Team | Jul 21, 2010 | 50+, 60+, Boomers, Marketing, Mature Consumers, Seniors, Silent Generation
Continuing care retirement communities (CCRCs) and other businesses marketing to Baby Boomers and active adults frequently ask us about new technologies, or how much time and money to invest in social media/social engagement. Problem is, they often forget the power of...
by Todd Harff | May 27, 2010 | Internet, Marketing, Real Estate Marketing, Seniors
More often than not, parody web sites are pure entertainment. Here’s one with a twist. AgentHarvest is a company that markets top real estate agents. To build exposure and get their message across, they created a parody site called Really Rotten Realty, which...
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