by CR Team | Apr 28, 2010 | Boomers, Marketing, Mature Consumers, Real Estate Marketing, Seniors
I’m a fan of people watching. Airports are prime spots as are downtown shopping areas. I am particularly fond of seeing people meeting and parting, and imagining the next chapter in their stories. Of course I never get to find out what happens next. The Blogosphere...
by Todd Harff | Mar 19, 2010 | 50+, 60+, Marketing, Mature Consumers, Seniors, Social Networking
“One size communication does not fit all,” commented Kevin Baughen on this blog earlier this week. “None of us should be treating different audiences as if they are one homogeneous group.” Kevin, a marketer based in Surrey, UK, was responding to the findings we shared...
by CR Team | Mar 12, 2010 | 50+, 60+, Boomers, Marketing, Seniors
Consider this scenario: A nation struggling with economic hardship and uncertainty; a president looking to connect with the public in a way that seems personal and relevant. He turns to a brand new medium that’s spreading like wildfire and sends out his message...
by CR Team | Mar 3, 2010 | 40+, 50+, 60+, Boomers, Gen X, Marketing, Millennials/Gen Y, Seniors, Silent Generation, Social Networking
More insights from a new Pew Research Center study on the Millennials, which compares the attitudes and habits of 18-29 year olds with those of the Baby Boom, Silent and X generations. Today’s topic: Social networking. Despite tremendous growth in the numbers...
by CR Team | Mar 2, 2010 | 40+, 50+, 60+, Boomers, Gen X, Internet, Marketing, Millennials/Gen Y, Seniors, Silent Generation
Another look at the generational marketing snapshots provided in the new Pew Research Center study on Millennials (see yesterday’s post). Today’s topic: Technology. Two years ago, Harris Interactive asked Americans what they’d re-name their...
by CR Team | Jan 20, 2010 | 40+, 50+, 60+, Advertising, Boomers, Marketing, Mature Consumers, Seniors, Silent Generation
Yesterday we let a Baby Boomer, a “gap kid” (born just after Generation Jones) and a member of Generation X sound off on whether REI’s first-ever TV ads will motivate Boomers. It was the first-ever Creating Results generational face-off. Today, we address a perhaps...
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