by CR Team | Jun 6, 2016 | Advertising, Boomers, Internet, Marketing, Mature Consumers, Seniors
Happy Monday! Today’s mature marketing news of interest is brought to you by the letter “S”. Each week we share stories or action items that are important to know for those targeting mature consumers. Have something to share? We’d love to hear...
by CR Team | May 23, 2016 | Advertising, Boomers, Marketing, Mature Consumers
Each week we explore mature marketing articles that were of particular interest to our followers. This week we explore how technology continues to help us age better and retirement by the numbers. Have something to share? We’d love to hear from you in our...
by CR Team | May 10, 2016 | 60+, Healthcare - CCRCs, Housing, Internet, Marketing, Mature Consumers, Real Estate Marketing
More people of all ages are watching / sharing online videos than ever before. And studies show video marketing has power to motivate consumers – including Baby Boomers and Seniors – to act or buy. Yet many senior providers don’t know how to integrate video into their...
by CR Team | May 9, 2016 | Boomers, Housing, Marketing, Mature Consumers
Happy Monday! This week our mature marketing recap focuses on how shared space is shaping (or re-shaping) multi-housing and the impact of boomer nostalgia on tourism. But these certainly weren’t the only articles sparking conversation and ideas over the last...
by CR Team | Apr 25, 2016 | 50+, Advertising, Marketing, Mature Consumers
Each Monday, we round-up the top 50-plus marketing resources of the previous week. Today’s post quickly shaped itself around a certain letter … D is for “DISRUPT.” Our MOST CLICKED item of the week was a post by Jo Ann Jenkins, the CEO...
by CR Team | Apr 18, 2016 | 50+, Advertising, Boomers, Housing, Marketing, Mature Consumers
Happy Monday! Each week we share mature marketing insights and articles that capture the eye and create conversation. Let’s take a look at those pieces that did just that over the last 7 days. Have something to share? We welcome your comments and thoughts. MOST...
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