by CR Team | Jun 27, 2012 | 60+, Healthcare - CCRCs, Housing, Internet, Marketing, Mature Consumers, Silent Generation, Social Networking
What timing. The same day that Senior Housing News posed the question “Is Facebook the New Frontier for Marketing Retirement Communities to Seniors?” the Center for Media Research shared an answer: “No.” Well, actually what they shared was...
by CR Team | Jun 18, 2012 | 40+, 50+, 60+, Boomers, Gen X, Internet, Marketing, Mature Consumers, Real Estate Marketing
Happy Monday! I hope you enjoyed a lovely Sunday celebrating your fathers – or being celebrated as a Dad, a Pop or PopPop, a Grandpapa, a Pai, a Granddad, a Boppa … We skipped last week’s round-up of the top mature marketing resources as judged by...
by CR Team | Jun 6, 2012 | 40+, 50+, 60+, Boomers, Email marketing, Internet, Marketing, Mature Consumers, Millennials/Gen Y, Social Networking
Infographic Details Email, Social Media and Digital Habits of Baby Boomers and Seniors Two weeks ago, Creating Results addressed the newest/buzziest social media platform, Pinterest, in a series of posts on this blog. The response from readers and clients was very...
by CR Team | Jun 4, 2012 | 60+, Boomers, Email marketing, Healthcare - CCRCs, Mature Consumers, Social Networking
Hello, Monday! Hello, June! Here are the resources and articles that earned the most clicks, shares and attention last week from mature marketing pros. 1. MOST CLICKED: The Uneven Aging of America. This interactive map from AdAge demonstrates how America’s aging...
by CR Team | May 24, 2012 | 40+, Internet, Marketing, Mature Consumers, Social Networking
Disclaimer: I am truly terrified to try Pinterest. As a digital marketer at Creating Results, I should just leap on in, right? We counsel clients in senior living, travel and active adult housing on how to make the most of social media engagement. I should be excited...
by CR Team | May 21, 2012 | 40+, 50+, 60+, Boomers, Gen X, Marketing, Mature Consumers, Millennials/Gen Y, Silent Generation
“The learned is happy, nature to explore; The fool is happy, that he knows no more.” – Alexander Pope (born on this day, May 21, in 1688) The Creating Results team is happy to each week explore and deliver to our friends/followers those resources...
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