by CR Team | Sep 1, 2010 | Boomers, Gen X, Marketing, Millennials/Gen Y, Seniors, Silent Generation
While Creating Results spends its time focusing on Baby Boomers and beyond, marketer Carol Phillips focuses on Millennials. After two “what’s the matter with kids these days” articles in high-profile publications, she mused about a Generational...
by Todd Harff | Mar 16, 2010 | 40+, 50+, 60+, Boomers, Gen X, Mature Consumers, Millennials/Gen Y, Seniors, Silent Generation
The Chronicle of Philanthropy reported this week on new research into how different generations – from Millennials to Silents – support and interact with charities. The survey claims that Gen X and Millennials/Gen Y now make the majority of potential...
by CR Team | Mar 3, 2010 | 40+, 50+, 60+, Boomers, Gen X, Marketing, Millennials/Gen Y, Seniors, Silent Generation, Social Networking
More insights from a new Pew Research Center study on the Millennials, which compares the attitudes and habits of 18-29 year olds with those of the Baby Boom, Silent and X generations. Today’s topic: Social networking. Despite tremendous growth in the numbers...
by CR Team | Mar 2, 2010 | 40+, 50+, 60+, Boomers, Gen X, Internet, Marketing, Millennials/Gen Y, Seniors, Silent Generation
Another look at the generational marketing snapshots provided in the new Pew Research Center study on Millennials (see yesterday’s post). Today’s topic: Technology. Two years ago, Harris Interactive asked Americans what they’d re-name their...
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